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EH Scott Philharmonic Gothic Grand Console & Phonograph

EH Scott Philharmonic Gothic Grand Console & Phonograph

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EH Scott Console Radio

Serious Inquires Only

This is one of the most spectacular console radio & phonograph. that we have offered on this website.  It is a E.H. Scott Philharmonic Gothic Grand Console.  What makes this one so special is its incredible depth of quality that shows few signs of its 86 year history.  This type condition can only be found in radios that have had few proud owners, been rarely moved, kept in the Living room and out of direct sunlight.  From the original finish to the quality chrome, it amazing.  This radio came to us from the grandson of the original owner.  This one-family owned console was treated very well for all these years.

The Philharmonic chassis/power amp will “Rock Your House Down” with its tremendous output.  This console also comes with a phonograph player accessed through the flip-up top.

One of the most impressive chassis ever made.

  • Number of Tubes- 30
  • Power Amp. - 4: 6L6 Output Tubes
  • Bands- Broadcast plus 5 Short Wave bands
  • Dual “Magic Eye” Tubes
  • 1: 15” Scott (Magnavox) Pedal Speaker- With "Wizzer" cone
  • 2: PM Tweeter Speakers

The consoles dimensions are: 49" H X 30.5" W X 21" D, with a weight north of 130 lb.

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It has been reported the electronics were restored sometime in the past and it is working.  We, however, are selling this radio as not working. 

Consult with an antique electronics specialist to provide a current status of the electronic condition.


EH Scott Philharmonic Gothic Grand Console

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