Antique Radio Videos
This page is devoted to various types of antique radio videos. We are interested in deverloping this page with technical videos and visitor radio collection videos.
Our Friend Geoff Shearer is pleased to show you his extensive radio collection. Geoff is a serious collector that has done extensive research on the radios in his collection. He has diverse interests including Catalin, wood, other pre-modern plastics and mirror radios.
Geoff is a seasoned antique radio collector that enjoys all types of radios. He is a customer of Catalin Store and has bought from us a 1.) Detrola 'Wooden Bluebird', 2.) Silver 159 'Circular', 3.) Airite model 3010 Bakelite "Desk Set", and 4.) Dewald B-512 Red Catalin Radio. The first 3 listed are Ultra Rare radios.